My first blog EVER on my first EVER blog!! out world here I am!!
My Pink Stamper (my favorite crafty person) posted a challenge for today, make something to honor those who serve us in remembrance of this important day...September 11. 9 years ago today, I think almost everyone remembers where they were, what they were doing, who they were with and so on. It's so hard to believe 9 years ago today we all were paralyzed in fear. Ted and I were in Chicago having just celebrated with family and friends our first baby shower. I was pregnant with our first child and that morning I was showering to get ready for my flight back home to AZ. I came out of the bathroom to Ted watching the Today Show and we watched live as the second plane flew into the Twin Towers. I called my parents to see if they were watching this too, they are early risers so I figured they were up, I woke my Mom up asking her if she was watching what was going on. Once we got dressed and ready we went to the lobby where almost everyone from the hotel was gathered watching the TV.
Ted and I drove back to AZ. It was the worst drive back...poor Ted had to drive the whole way because the little one growing in me was pushing on parts of me and making it really uncomfortable for me to sit the whole drive home. Luckily Ted had Harry Potter on tape to listen to, when we didn't have any good radio signal to hear what was going on in the world. We will never forget that drive, that day but most of all the biggest thing that stands out in my mind it how eerie and weird the sky looked with no planes in it. Once we got to AZ, I remember we saw our first plane, it was like seeing the first plane EVER in our lives.
God Bless all of those lives lost, to the families who were forever changed in a single moment and to our nation. Thank you to all of those that serve to protect and defend our nation!!